You are here: Advance Bill Pay

STEP 1: Enter account number and click "Submit" button.
STEP 2: Consumer basic details will be shown automatically.
STEP 3: Click title "MAKE PAYMENT", then pay with desired Gateway.
Gateway for Payment
Want to make payment in installments:
Minimum amount payable through this interface is Rs.100/-.
In case of any default in payment of total billed amount on or before the due date,
surcharge amount will be recovered as per provisions of Supply Code-2014, Reg-31.9.
Besides this, action regarding disconnection of supply will also be taken as per
provisions of Supply Code-2014 Reg-32.
Regarding Smart Meters
All consumers are made aware that they are not liable to pay any amount in case
PSPCL/Private firm’s resolves smart meter issues like SIM/modem change. In case
anyone demands money, please inform your concerned sub-division.
Click for Gateway Charges and
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